The Complete Guide to Google Call Only Ads For Concrete Services in 2023

 The Complete Guide to Google Call-Only Ads For Concrete Services for 2023

If you work in the concrete services industry, you know the importance of effectively reaching potential customers. In today's digital world, online advertising plays a vital role in growing your business. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is Google's call-only ads. 
These ads are designed to call your business directly from the search engine results page (SERP). This ultimate guide details Google's call-only ads for specific services and offers viable strategies for increasing your online presence, increasing conversions, and attracting more customers. 

Google call ads for Concrete services

Google call-only ads: understand the basics of Concept

Before we delve into how to create effective Google Call Ads for specific services, let's first understand what an ad is and how it works.

LSI Keywords: Google phone call-only ads for Concrete services

Google call-only ads are a special type of online advertising that only appears on mobile devices. Unlike traditional ads that redirect users to your website, call-only ads encourage a potential customer to click on an ad in her SERPs to call your business directly.

Google phone call ads for Concrete services

Key benefits of Google call-only ads include:

Direct Lead:

Call-only ads provide a direct route to reach potential customers, as users no longer need to visit her website before contacting them.

Higher conversion rate:

Call-only ads are more likely to increase conversions because calls will lead to sales and bookings. Mobile Friendly:
Mobile With more and more users browsing on their devices, call-only ads are designed to effectively target this user.

Cost efficient:

You'll only be charged when calls come in, so you can better manage your advertising budget.
Now that you have an overview of Google's call-only ads, let's look at how you can optimize and create engaging ads for specific services.  

Create compelling phone call-only ads for concrete installations services 

To get the most out of Google Phone Ads for specific services, follow these practical tips to make sure your ads stand out and attract potential customers.

Google mobile phone call ads for Concrete services

1. Know your audience and use targeted keywords

LSI Keywords: Concrete Services, Concrete Contractors, Concrete Solutions

Before creating your ad, it's essential to identify your target audience and understand their needs. Conduct in-depth keyword research to determine what phrases potential customers use when searching for a particular service. Use these targeted keywords in your ad text to ensure relevance and viewability. 2. Write compelling ad copy

 Ads dedicated to Google calls, ads for concrete building services

Keep your ad copy clear, concise, and compelling. Highlight your unique selling points and provide a clear call to action that encourages users to call your business immediately. Use phrases like 'Call us for a free quote' or 'We'll get you a concrete service right at your doorstep'.

3. Use ad extensions

Ad extensions, callout extensions, location extensions

Expand your call-only ads with extensions. Callout extensions allow you to highlight additional benefits such as '24/7 customer support', and address extensions can provide addresses to attract local customers.

4. Set up competitive bidding

bid strategies, Google Ads auctions, concrete services advertising budgets

Optimize your bid strategy to ensure your ads appear prominently on his SERPs. Be careful to set your bids carefully to reflect the value of each call generated by your ad.

5. Strategically plan your advertising

Ad scheduling, peak hours for certain services

Identify peak hours or days of the week when potential customers are likely to search for a particular service. Schedule your ad during this time for maximum effectiveness.

6. Ad A/B testing

A/B testing, ad performance evaluation

Continuous monitors ad performance and run A/B tests to determine which elements work best. Test different ad copy, CTA phrases, and extensions to optimize ad performance. 

7. Optimize your landing page for mobile devices 

Mobile-friendly website, responsive design for specific services

Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. A seamless user experience encourages potential customers to stay on her website and make important calls. 

Google call ads for home Concrete services

Frequently asked questions about Google call-only ads

1. How are Google Phone Ads different from traditional Google Ads?

Google's call-only ads are focused solely on driving calls to your company, as opposed to traditional ads directing users to your website.

2. Do you need a Google Call Ads website?

Websites are useful for providing additional information but are not required for the delivery of call-only ads. Users can call your business directly from your ad. 

3. Can I track the performance of my Google-only calling ads?

yes. Google provides call reports that you can use to track the number and duration of calls generated by your ads.

4. What is a good bidding strategy for call-only ads?

Start with a bid that satisfies all phones. Monitor your performance and adjust your bids accordingly for the best results. Can I use call-only ads for multiple specific services?
Yes, you can create separate call-only ads for different services offered by a particular business.

5. How can I optimize my ad's CTA for better results?

A call to action uses clear, actionable language to encourage users to call immediately. Phrases like "Call me now" or "Request a quote" work well. 

Success story: East Coast Concrete Service, Newzeland

Take a look at the success story of east coast Concrete Services, a company that successfully used Google's call-only ads to drive its business.


East Coast Concrete Services is a 27+ years old concrete company with operations in the east coast bay of plenty area Newzeland. they offer a wide range of concrete solutions including driveway installation, deck construction, and concrete repair services.


Before implementing call-only ads with Google, east coast Concrete Services faced some challenges. They struggled to differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace and traditional online advertising did not deliver the desired results. Additionally, we noticed a decline in phone inquiries despite our good offline reputation.


East Coast Concrete Services worked with a digital marketing agency to develop a comprehensive strategy for leveraging Google's call-only ads. The agency conducted thorough keyword research and identified high-intent keywords related to specific services in the field.

Google phone call ads for Concrete repair services

They crafted compelling ad copy that emphasized east coast Concrete's expertise, affordability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. CTA urged potential customers to call immediately for a free consultation. Ad extensions, such as callout extensions that emphasize 24/7 availability and location extensions that display addresses, are also used to add value to potential customers.

Google call ads for Concrete construction services


With Google's call-only ads, East Coast Concrete Services saw great results.

Increase in leads:

The number of calls coming into the company has increased significantly. Prospects are more easily contacted directly, resulting in more inquiries and requests for quotes.

Higher conversion:

Significantly improved conversion rates from phone calls to project completion. This significantly increased the company's sales. 

Improved visibility:

Advertisements for East Concrete Services featured prominently in his SERPs, outperforming his competitors and establishing himself as the leading concrete service provider in the region.

Improved cost control:

By paying only for the actual call charges, the company was able to use its advertising budget more efficiently, maximizing its return on investment.  


In summary, Google call-only ads for specific services are an effective way to attract potential customers and get them to make more calls. By understanding your audience, using targeted keywords, crafting compelling ad copy, and optimizing your ads, you can improve your online presence and increase conversions.

Leverage ad extensions, strategically plan your ads, and continuously test and optimize for the best results. Leverage mobile-friendly practices to create a seamless user experience and encourage users to call your business with confidence.

Start implementing these strategies today and watch your specific service business grow with the power of Google call-only advertising. The success of East Concrete Services demonstrates the potential of Google Call Ads in concrete services. By understanding our audience, crafting compelling ad copy, using extensions, and optimizing our bidding strategies, we were able to generate more leads, increase conversions, and reach our business goals.

Do it yourself and harness the power of Google's call-only ads to take your tangible services business to the next level. or 

Hire me at Fiverr and see my profile here: Jayant Singh  

About the Author

I am Kumar Jayant Singh. I'm a professional digital marketer with over 10+ years of experience in online marketing. My marketing experience covers using Facebook, Google Adwords, and Bing ads platforms. These ad platforms allowed me to work with more than 100 clients across different industries all over the world. 
However, I'm happier when setting up and managing Google ads for dentists, home improvement industries, and Brick-and-Mortar business offices. Also proficient in website design and building marketing sales funnel.


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