Why Google Call Only Ads for Dentists in 2023: Are Worth the Money

 Why Google Call Only Ads for Dentists in 2023: Are Worth the Money

In today's digital age, online advertising has become a key factor in the success of businesses in various industries, including dentistry. In 2023, dental clinics are adopting innovative advertising strategies to establish an edge in the competitive market. One such strategy is the use of her Google call-only ads for dentists. In this article, we explore the power of his Google call-only ads in 2023 and provide insights, tips, and frequently asked questions to help you effectively deploy this advertising tool to grow your dental practice.  

Google Call Only Ads for Dentists

Google Dentist Call-only ads for 2023: Maximize patient acquisition

Google Call Only Ads provide a targeted and efficient way to reach potential patients who are actively seeking dental services. These ads allow dentists to prioritize phone calls over website visits, ensuring direct communication with interested patients. Let's take a look at some key aspects and strategies for successfully implementing Google phone-only ads for dentists in 2023.

1. Understand What is Google Call Only Ads

Google Call Only Ads are a special ad format that displays a clickable phone number on the search results page. When a user clicks on the ad, they are taken directly to the dental office over the phone rather than visiting a website. This ad format is highly effective for dentists as it streamlines the patient acquisition process and enables instant, personalized communication.

2. Target the Right Keywords

To get the most out of your Google call-only ads, it's important to target the right keywords. Conduct extensive keyword research to identify the search terms that potential patients use when searching for dental services. Include relevant keywords such as "dentist", "dentist's office", dentist near me, dentist clinic near me and location-specific terms to narrow your targeting and attract patients in your area.

3. Create Compelling Ad Copy

Compelling ad copy is essential to grab the attention of potential patients and get them to click on your Google call-only ads. Use simple and compelling language to highlight the unique benefits and services your dental practice offers. Incorporate a sense of urgency and clear calls to action to engage users in important calls. 

dentist ads creative

4. Optimize Your Website or Landing page

Google Call Only Ads prioritize phone calls, but landing page optimization is still important. Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and provides relevant information about your dental practice. Streamline the process by incorporating a prominent click-to-call button for easy access to contact numbers.

5. Set Up a Conversion call tracking

Tracking the performance of Google call-only ads is critical to assessing their effectiveness and making necessary optimizations. Implement call-tracking solutions to measure metrics such as call duration, call origin, and conversion rates. This data provides valuable insight into the success of your advertising campaigns and helps you refine your strategy. 

Dental website

FAQs about Google Call Only Ads for Dentists in 2023

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Google call-only ads for dentists in 2023.

1. How does my dental practice benefit from Google Call Only Ads?

Google's call-only ads benefit dental practices by enabling direct communication with potential patients, streamlining the patient acquisition process, and increasing appointment bookings.

2. How do I target the right people with Google call-only ads? 

Target the right audience by conducting thorough keyword research and choosing relevant keywords that potential patients are likely to use when searching for dental services. Also, use region-specific terminology to attract patients.

3. How do I create compelling ad copy for Google call-only ads?

To create compelling ad copy, focus on highlighting the unique services and benefits your dental practice offers. Use compelling language, highlight the value patients experience when choosing a clinic, and include a clear call to action to call.

4. What should I consider when optimizing my landing pages for Google call-only ads?

When optimizing your landing page, make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly and loads quickly to provide a seamless user experience. Provides relevant information about dental clinics. Examples: B. Services offered, references, patient testimonials. Place a click-to-call button in a prominent place to make it easier for potential patients to contact you.

5. How does call tracking help measure the success of Google call-only ads?

Implementing a call-tracking solution allows you to collect data on key metrics such as call duration, call origin, and conversion rate. Analyzing this data provides insight into the effectiveness of Google call-only ads and allows you to make informed decisions to optimize your advertising campaigns. 

6. Are there any best practices for using Google call-only ads in 2023?

Yes, here are some best practices for using Google call-only ads in 2023. Conduct thorough keyword research to target the right audience. Create compelling ad copy that highlights the unique benefits of your dental practice. Optimize your landing pages for mobile devices and reduce load times. Implement call tracking to measure ad performance and make necessary optimizations. Monitor and analyze your Google phone-only advertising data to refine your strategy and improve your results.  

Successful Case Study: Success with Google Call-only Ads - Dental Clinic Journey

This case study examines the success story of a dental practice that used Google Phone Ads to improve its online presence, attract more patients, and achieve impressive growth in 2023. By using strategic implementation techniques and optimizing campaigns, the dental office saw a significant increase in calls, appointments, and overall business success.


Located in a bustling city, Shivam dental world was to expand its patient base and establish itself as a leading dental practice in the area. The clinic offers a wide range of services from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. However, the clinic faced stiff competition from other established clinics in the area. Driven by a desire to stand out and attract more patients, the clinic decided to explore the possibilities of Google Call Ads.

dental keyword research

Strategy and execution

Dr. Alok, Shivam Dental World worked with a digital marketing agency to develop a comprehensive strategy for Google Call Ads campaigns. The following steps were taken to ensure a successful deployment.

1. Thorough keyword research

Extensive keyword research was conducted to identify the most relevant and most searched terms related to dental services in the area. This step was critical to ensure that our ads were shown to potential patients who were actively seeking dental solutions. 

2. Create compelling ad copy

The marketing agency worked closely with the clinic to create compelling ad copy that emphasized the clinic's unique services, expertise, and commitment to patient care. The text of the ad emphasized the convenience of direct telephone communication and the possibility of personalized advice.

3. Accurate ad targeting

To optimize campaign performance, the digital marketing agency leveraged its Google Ads advanced targeting capabilities. They focused on specific demographics and geographic locations to ensure their ads were shown to the most relevant audience.

4. Optimize your landing page

Shivam Dental World revamped its website landing page to match its Google Call Ads campaign. The landing page is designed to provide a seamless mobile browsing experience with a prominent CTA button for making instant calls.

5. Implementing call tracking

To measure campaign success, the digital marketing agency integrated call-tracking software. This has enabled clinics to collect valuable data such as call duration, call sources, and conversion rates. Insights gleaned from call tracking allowed the team to assess advertising effectiveness and make data-driven optimizations results and achievements.

The implementation of Google Call Ads has been a huge success for Shivam Dental Clinic. The campaign yielded the following notable results:

6. Increase in Phone calls:

The clinic has seen a significant increase in calls from potential patients. A streamlined communication process with Google Call Ads enabled the clinic to provide personalized assistance, respond to inquiries quickly, and book appointments efficiently.

Campaign results

Increase in bookings:

Due to the success of the campaign, the number of bookings increased significantly. Prospective patients were impressed with the clinic's accessibility and responsive customer service, resulting in higher conversion rates to phone appointments.

Increased visibility online:

The Dental World rose to prominence online through a Google Call Ads campaign. The ad appeared at the top of search engine results, giving the clinic a competitive edge over other practices and attracting the attention of potential patients seeking dental services.

Return on Investment (ROI):

The clinic achieved an impressive return on investment with a Google Call Ads campaign. The cost-effectiveness of advertising and high conversion rates made it an economically viable business for the clinic.  
Increased number of patients:
The successful implementation of Google Call Ads has helped Dr. significantly expand his patient base. Smith Dental Clinic. The campaign brought in new patients.

Final Words:

dentist ads results

In 2023, Google Call Only Ads will provide dentists with a powerful advertising tool to attract more patients and grow their dental practice. By understanding how Google Call Only Ads works, targeting the right keywords, crafting compelling ad copy, optimizing landing pages, and implementing call tracking, dentists can maximize the benefits of this advertising strategy. You can use it for a limited time. Leverage Google Call Only Ads and use its potential to increase awareness of your dental practice and increase patient acquisition. 

Hire me at Fiverr and see my profile here: Jayant Singh  

About the Author

I am Kumar Jayant Singh. I'm a professional digital marketer with over 10+ years of experience in online marketing. My marketing experience covers using Facebook, Google Adwords, and Bing ads platforms. These ad platforms allowed me to work with more than 100 clients across different industries all over the world. 
However, I'm happier when setting up and managing Google ads for dentists, home improvement industries, and Brick-and-Mortar business offices. Also proficient in website design and building marketing sales funnel.


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