The Ultimate Guide to Generating Massive Leads for Interior Designers Using Google Call Only Ads

 The Ultimate Guide to Generating Massive Leads for Interior Designers Using Google Call-Only Ads


In today's digital age, interior designer leads are becoming more and more competitive. Traditional advertising methods alone are no longer sufficient to achieve critical customer loyalty. However, with the introduction of Google Call Only Ads, interior designers have a powerful tool to generate many leads and engage with potential customers more effectively. In this article, we examine how Google call-only ads can help interior designers meet their lead-generation goals, and presents a compelling case study demonstrating success.

Google Phone call ads for interior designers

Understand Google's call-only ads

Google call-only ads are a type of ad designed to encourage phone calls rather than website visits. Unlike traditional ads that direct users to a landing page, call-only ads feature phone numbers prominently, allowing users to call businesses directly with a single tap on their mobile device. This feature is handy for industries such as interior design, where personal advice and communication play an important role in the decision-making process.

Google call-only ads benefits interior designers & Architects 

Improving lead quality:

Google Call Only Ads generate more quality leads by putting potential customers in direct contact with interior designers. By speaking directly to an expert, our clients get immediate answers to their questions, increasing their credibility and increasing their chances of converting leads into real projects.

Improved conversion rate:

With call-only ads, the conversion process is smoother and users don't have to navigate through multiple web pages. This streamlined experience leads to higher conversion rates, as users are more likely to take action when they have instant access to their contact information.


Interior designers can effectively target their intended audience by optimizing for keywords, demographics, and locations. This ensures that your ads are shown to potential customers who are actively searching for your service, maximizing your chances of getting relevant leads.

Cheap advertising:

Google Call Only Ads offers an affordable advertising solution for interior designers. With a phone-focused focus, businesses only pay when users call, reducing wasted ad spending on irrelevant clicks and impressions. 

Google Call only ads for Interior Designers

Case Study: Generate more leads with Google call-only ads for Architectural firms 

Step 1: Set up your Google Ads account

To get started with Google phone-only ads, the interior designer needs to create a Google Ads account for her. This includes signing up, providing required business information, and configuring billing details.

Step 2: Create a call-only campaign

After setting up an account, interior designers can create call-only campaigns in Google Ads. You need to define campaign settings such as budget, target area, and schedule.

Step 3: Create compelling ad copy

The success of call-only advertising is highly dependent on the ability to create compelling ad copy. Designers should focus on highlighting USPs, offering incentives, and more.
It creates a sense of urgency and prompts users to take action. Your ad copy should clearly communicate the benefits of working with an interior designer, emphasizing the interior designer's expertise, creativity, and ability to transform your space. It's important to keep your language concise, engaging, and relevant to your target audience.

Google Phone call only ads for interior designers

Step 4:Keyword targeting optimization

To get the most out of Google call-only ads, interior designers should do thorough keyword research. By identifying relevant keywords and incorporating them strategically into advertising campaigns, designers can ensure that their ads reach users who are actively searching for interior design services. This targeted approach increases your chances of generating qualified leads.

Google Phone call ads for Architect

Step 5: Track and analyze the results

Tracking and analyzing the performance of Google call-only ads is critical to optimizing their effectiveness. Interior designers should regularly monitor key metrics such as call volume, call duration, and conversion rates. Gaining insight into which ads and keywords are generating the most leads helps designers adjust campaigns and allocate budgets more effectively.

Google Call ads best practices

Build trust and connect with potential customers with a local phone number. 

Use ad extensions such as B. Location extensions to provide additional information and help users interact with your ads.

Optimize your landing page for mobile devices to ensure a seamless post-call experience.

A/B tests her different ad variations to find the messages and visuals that resonate most with your target audience. Regularly review and update your keyword targeting to stay relevant and take advantage of new opportunities. Monitor and stay ahead of competition and industry trends and refine your advertising strategy accordingly.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

FAQ 1: How much do Google call-only ads cost?

The cost of Google call-only ads depends on factors such as keyword competitiveness, location targeting, and bidding strategy. Setting a budget and monitoring campaign performance is key to ensuring cost-effectiveness and maximizing your return on investment.

FAQ 2: Can I target specific locations with Google call-only ads?

Yes, Google Call Only Ads allow you to set precise location targets. Interior designers can also target ads in specific cities or regions, or target users within specific areas of their business locations.

FAQ 3: Can I use Google call-only ads in industries other than interior design?

absolutely! While this article focuses on interior design, Google Call Only Ads can be used effectively in a variety of industries where phone calls and face-to-face communication are important, such as legal, healthcare, and home improvement.

FAQ 4: Are Google call-only ads effective for lead generation?

Yes, Google Call Only Ads have proven to be very effective in finding leads. By connecting potential customers and interior designers directly over the phone, these ads facilitate immediate communication, inspire trust and increase the likelihood of conversion.

FAQ 5: What should I do if my Google call-only ads aren't performing well?

If your Google call-only ads aren't performing as expected, you may need to review your ad copy, targeting, and keyword choices. Experiment with different approaches, monitor results, and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns. Seeking expert advice or consulting a digital marketing expert to further refine your strategy can also be beneficial. 

Success story: How JD-CAD Technologies an architect firm generated more leads with Google's call-only ads


In this success story, we examine how Google Call Only Ads transformed interior & architectural firm JD-CAD's prospecting efforts. By running her strategic Google Call Only Ads campaigns, JD was able to generate many quality leads, leading to further business growth and success.


JD-CAD was struggling to generate consistent leads for her own business. Even though they had an impressive portfolio and a solid reputation in the industry, they found it difficult to reach potential customers and showcase their expertise effectively, in the right field.

 Google Call only ads for autocad designers

 Her traditional advertising methods and her platform online alone did not produce the desired results. Looking for a solution, JD turned to Google Call Only Ads.

Set up a Google Calls-only ad campaign

step 1: Defining Goals and Target Groups

JD started by clearly defining his goals and identifying his target audience. His focus was on attracting local homeowners and businesses actively seeking interior design services.

Step 2: Create compelling call-only ads

To grab the attention of potential customers, JD created an engaging call-only ad. The ad highlighted her unique approach to interior design and highlighted her ability to create stunning, personalized spaces that reflect the vision of her clients. Using compelling language and a strong call to action, JD encouraged users to reach out directly by phone.

Step 3: Keyword targeting optimization

We conducted exhaustive keyword research to identify the most relevant and effective keywords for his campaign. We targeted specific keywords related to her interior design, home improvement, architectural design, and space remodeling to ensure that his ads were shown to users actively searching for these services.

Step 4: Set your budget and bid strategy

To maximize the reach and effectiveness of her Google phone-only ads, JD carefully allocates budgets and sets appropriate bid strategies. We monitored campaign performance and adjusted his bids accordingly to ensure his ads were showing to the right audience at the right time. 

Results and Benefits

JD has implemented his Google Call Only Ads strategically and has seen remarkable results. They have seen a significant increase in the number of leads generated, resulting in a significant boost to their business. Here are some of the notable benefits they observed.

Improving lead quality:

Through phone calls generated by Google Call Only Ads, JD was able to interact directly with prospects, make personal connections, and understand their unique needs. This helped clients gain more quality leads because they were more confident in their abilities and more likely to lead to paying projects.

Higher conversion rate:

A roadblock in the conversion process has been eliminated with streamlined call-only ads that allow users to easily initiate calls with a single button press. As a result, JD has a higher conversion rate because prospects are more likely to take immediate action when they have instant access to their contact information.

Coverage and Economy:

By optimizing audience targeting and focusing on local audiences who are actively seeking out interior design services, We maximized the effectiveness of his advertising spend. They effectively reached potential customers in her target market and reduced wasted ad spending on irrelevant clicks and impressions.

Improved return on investment:

JD's success with her Google Call Only Ads campaign translated directly into a higher return on investment. By consistently generating high-quality leads, he has secured new projects and generated significant revenue increases for her business.  


JD-CAD's success story demonstrates the transformative power of Google Call Only Ads for his architectural & interior design firm. By strategically deploying these ads, JD-CAD was able to overcome lead generation challenges, connect directly with prospects, and grow her business significantly. For interior designers looking to generate a large number of leads, Google Call Only Ads offers a highly effective and targeted advertising solution.

Google Phone call ads

In today's competitive market, architectural firms need innovative strategies to effectively generate big leads. Google Call Only Ads offers a powerful solution by connecting designers and prospects directly over the phone. By following the steps outlined in this article, interior designers can set up successful campaigns, optimize ad copy and targeting, and track results to continuously improve lead-sourcing efforts. 

Google Call ads 

Hire me at Fiverr and see my profile here: Jayant Singh  

About the Author

I am Kumar Jayant Singh. I'm a professional digital marketer with over 10+ years of experience in online marketing. My marketing experience covers using Facebook, Google Adwords, and Bing ads platforms. These ad platforms allowed me to work with more than 100 clients across different industries all over the world. 
However, I'm happier when setting up and managing Google ads for dentists, home improvement industries, and Brick-and-Mortar business offices. Also proficient in website design and building marketing sales funnel.


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